
  1. E. Angeli, R. Buzio, G. Firpo, R. Magrassi, V. Mussi, L. Repetto, and U. Valbusa, "Nanotecnology applications for medicine", Tumori 96, No 2 (2008) 206-215.

  2. V. Mussi, P. Fanzio, L. Repetto, G. Firpo, U. Valbusa, P. Scaruffi, S. Stigliani, G. Tonini "Solid State nanopores for gene expression profiling", Superlattices and Microstructures 46 (2009) 59-63.

  3. G. Cama, F. Barberis, R. Botter, P. Cirillo, M. Capurro, R. Quarto, S. Scaglione, E. Finocchio, V. Mussi, U. Valbusa, "Preparation and properties of macroporous brushite bone cements", Acta Biomaterialia 5 (2009) 2161.

  4. A. Albini, V. Mussi, A. Parodi, A. Ventura, E. Principi, S. Tegami, M. Rocchia, E. Francheschi, I. Sogno, R. Cammarota, G. Finzi, F. Sessa, D. McClain Noonan, U. Valbusa, "Interactions of single wall carbon nanotubes with endothelial cells", accepted for pubblication on Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, DOI: 10.1016/j.nano.2009.08.001.

  5. S. Visentin, N. Barbero, S. Musso, V. Mussi, C. Biale,, R. Ploeger and G. Viscardi, "A sensitive and practical fluorimetric test for CNTs acidic sites determination", Chem. Commun. 46 (2010) 1443-1445.

  6. L. Repetto, G. Firpo, and U. Valbusa "Applications of Focused Ion Beam in Material Science", Materiali in Tehnologije / Materials and Technology, 42 (2008) 4, 143-149

  7. V. Mussi, P. Fanzio, L. Repetto, G. Firpo, S. Stigliani, P. Scaruffi, G.P. Tonini and U. Valbusa, "DNA-functionalized nanopores for single molecule analysis", Nanotecnology, 2009, Proceedings of IEEE-NANO 2009, 9th IEEE Conference, Publication Year: 2009, Pages: 682 - 684.

  8. C. Biale, V. Mussi, U. Valbusa, S. Visentin, G. Viscardi, N. Barbero, N. Pedemonte, L. Galietta, "Carbon nanotubes for targeted drug delivery", Nanotecnology, 2009, Proceedings of IEEE-NANO 2009, 9th IEEE Conference, Publication Year: 2009, Pages: 644 - 646.

  9. P. Fanzio, E. Angeli, V. Mussi, U. Valbusa, P. Rivolo, F. Frascella, F. Pirri, "Development of a polymeric device for gene expression profiling", Nanotecnology, 2009, Proceedings of IEEE-NANO 2009, 9th IEEE Conference, Publication Year: 2009, Pages: 613 - 615.

  10. Luca Repetto, Renato Buzio, Carlo Denurchis, Giuseppe Firpo, Emanuele Piano, and Ugo Valbusa "Fast three-dimensional nanoscale metrology in dual-beam FIB–SEM instrumentation" Ultramicroscopy, 109 Issue 11 (2009)

  11. G. Firpo, L. Repetto, F. Buatier de Mongeot, and U. Valbusa "Focused-ion beam fabrication of nanometer orifices for leak detection" J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27(6), Nov/Dec 2009

  12. V. Mussi, P. Fanzio, L. Repetto, G. Firpo, P. Scaruffi, S. Stigliani, GP. Tonini, U. Valbusa, "DNA-functionalized solid state nanopore for biosensing", Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 145102.

  13. V. Mussi, C. Biale, S. Visentin, N. Barbero, M. Rocchia, U. Valbusa, "Raman analysis and mapping for the determination of acidic sites on oxidized single walled carbon nanotubes", Carbon 48 (2010) 3391-3398

  14. V. Mussi, P. Fanzio, L. Repetto, G. Firpo, P. Scaruffi, S. Stigliani, M. Menotta, M. Magnani, G. P. Tonini and U. Valbusa, "Electrical characterization of DNA-functionalized solid state nanopores for bio-sensing", accepted for publication on Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter


  1. G. Firpo, L. Repetto, U. Valbusa "Dispositivo di fuga di riferimento per la calibrazione delle perdite" Italian Patent n. TO2008A000683 September 18th 2008. Università degli Studi di Genova - . Licensee to Varian S.p.A. in February 2009, International Patent n.PCT/IB2009/054039 September 16th 2009

  2. V. Mussi. P. Fanzio, U. Valbusa, L. Repetto, G. Firpo, S. Stigliani, P. Scaruffi, G.P. Tonini, "Chip nanoforato di nitruro di silicio per l'analisi di profili di espressione genica e relativi biosensori" ("Silicon nitrdie nanopore chip for gene expression profiling and biosensing"), Italian Patent # RM2009A000450, submitted on 4th September 2009, PCT extension required

  3. U. Valbusa, E. Angeli, L. Repetto, G. Firpo, C. Boragno, "Dispositivo e procedimento per la separazione di molecole di DNA" ("Device and procedure for DNA molecules separation"), .Italian Patent # TO2009A000253, 01/04/2009, PCT extension required;

  4. F. Ferrera, V. Ierardi, E. Millo, G. Filaci, G. Damonte, F. Indiveri, U Valbusa, "Development of a new procedure for controlled antibodies immobilization useful for the construction of an antibody nanoarray allowing the measurement of antigen-antibody immune-complex via label free technique", Italian Patent, 17/11/2009;







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